Saturday, January 8, 2011


When it comes to dieting, the most common question we usually get is "What is the most appropriate diet that can be followed?" In my opinion the best answer to that question would be "No diet at all"
I'd say that diets do not work. Dieting is the most common reasons people find it so hard to lose weight. People can follow a delightful way of eating to satisfy their hunger that can help them maintain a desirable weight.

With all the false information available out there, Its a challege to find a way of eating delicious food that can help us lose weight and be healthy. But it's possible once we become aware with the correct information.

The most suitable diet is the one that we can follow for more than a week, one that includes yummy food that we love to eat, one that be can be maintained for a lifetime.

Below are some tips that will help you develop the Desirable Diet for you!!

1. Have food that you love to eat.
By eating food you love, I dont mean that having Cheese burgers and lots of chocolate will help you lose weight. What I am trying to say here is that don't establish a serious diet of boiled noodles and porridge oats(with water) if you absolutely hate these foods. How about scrambled eggs in butter with your favourite vegetables and slices of sprouted grain toast? How about making your own pizza from healthy ingrediants? The point is that you do not have to eat tasteless food to lose weight and be healthy. Just be creative and enjoy the process. I am sure you'll find plenty of tasty food options.

2. Dont try to do it all at once
You don't have to change things overnight. Just establishing one healthy eating habbit and getting rid of one "not-so-healthy" food in a week will prove to be life-changing in 1 to 2 months. Start with the easiest one. How about drinking water instead of sugar drinks and just do that for a week? How about introducing water-content foods into your meals? One step each week will make the process simple and easy.

3. Do not Starve yourself
A very common mistake people make is they starve themselves in an attempt to lose weight. But the truth is we don't need to feel hunger to effectively lose weight. On the contrary, we must give enough good nourishment to our body in order to see weight-loss results. We need to make sure we give our body enough nourishment throughout the day. Besides breakfast, lunch and dinner, snaks in between are also important. Snacks like raw nuts and fresh fruits can also stop you from experiencing hunger and cravings throughout the day.

So the most Appropriate Diet you can start today is an eating plan that is a "NO DIET AT ALL". Now you can tell people all the delicious food you had all day and they will wonder how in world you are looking great in shape.

Find out how to eat delicious food and still lose weight with these Amazing fat loss tips.

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