Saturday, January 29, 2011

How To Reduce Heart Disease Natural Way

Are you one the many people that is suffering from a heart disease or even worse? Have encountered a heart attack.
Every now and then, we come accross people that are suffering from heart disease, has had an attack or just been told they are at risk for heart disease. Regrettably the media and even many
doctors are misled on how to tackle this wide-spread outbreak. It's the number one killer in US and many other countries.

The best plan to follow is to fight against the risk factor the best we can.

Use the following to tips to get started on a healthy plan:

1. Quit Smoking. Indeed, smoking has been one of the biggest risk factors in heart disease, mainly because of the all the toxic substances added to the ciggerrette.

2. Walk, walk and walk. If finding time for an excercise plan is to much of a challenge right now, just begin by walking. Study shows many people have straightened their heart by walking. There's
nothing more calming than outdoors.

3. Calm Down. This means don't sress about the stuff you don't have to. We tend to stress about
everything! Deadlines, laundry, work, family. This would kill us no matter how healthy our food. So just drop the stress and pick up the laughter.

4. Do not go on a low-fat diet. Your heart conditions may get worse in your attempt to go on a low-fat diet. Get rid of the bad fats like (hydrogenated oil and oil in fried food and other junk foods) and start having more healthful fats like olive oil, salmon, coconut oil, whole organic eggs and walnuts

5. Don't be afraid of eating saturated fats.If you read "The Truth About Saturated Fat" in the Diet Solution Program, you'll know that eating saturated fat is not what's causing heart disease in people. It is processed foods, sugar and overabundance of refined carbohydrates that is making people so sick. This is such a waking up topic that I am even sharing a video made by an expert nutritionist Isabel De Los Rios.

Learn how to take control of your own healthy by using these Healthy Weight Loss Tips.

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